
Rittenhouse :: Industrial Electronic Repair

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Recent Units in for Repair

  John Deere MF24803.02A board
Magnescale LH70-3 DRO
Rittenhouse D-2 Timer
ISE Electronics CU205SCPB-T 1E21G LED Board
PAT DS350 Controller
John Deere AL77111E Display
Penny & Giles D50033/1 Controller
Todd Engineering PS245L Power Switch
Todd Engineering PS245L Power Switch
denshigiken 700G 19200-87804 Module-Ignition
Staefa SM II Control System
BPR Curvatrici DP7 Display Screen
Ram Electronics 1MC1-06 Thermostat
Ram Electronics 1MC1-05 Thermostat
John Deere 040220240011 Joystick controller
Bobcat 90526 6683608 Controller
Daco B91652-A1 Circuit Board
Topedm PPI-E Circuit Board
Sauer Danfoss DP600 10100890 Display Screen
HED H-Series CL-702-115 Display
Cedrus Saunas 547-1A-PS Controller
Phoenix 95-134563-004-C Circuit Board
AIMS PWRIG5000481208 Power Inverter
Rittenhouse D-2 Timer
Miller 212886G Circuit Board
PCB 167401K Power Supply
MCC Electronics Corp. 1211-1 Circuit Board
AutoDiagnos 9511461 A0104-1 Multi-Tester Plus
Prescolite Series 7-12 Control Panel
Red Baron RB-14/28-25 Power Supply
CIAR SpA 61100 Power Supply
Bobcat 6682422 Controller
Bobcat 6682422 Controller
SWI MX2 15814 Proto Trak
SWI M3 20320R Proto Trak
Tecnomagnete ST212 Controller
IRD 350 Vibration Analyzer
Balmac 216-D Vibration Analyzer
Lowrance HDS12 Fish Finder
AIMS PWRIG3000121205 Power Supply


Industrial or Commercial Manufactures Repair List


We give fair estimates and offer a extended warranty.
Give us a Call at 1-336-969-0110
Why to send us your work?
  • ~40 years of experience repairing Industrial & Commercial units
  • Certified Senior Industrial Electronics Technician
  • Ability to do Reverse Engineering
  • No job to big or small
  • Fast turn around time on most units
  • Quality of work comes before profit!
  • Old Fashion "Customer is always right policy"
  • Extended warranty
  • Fair Estimates
  • Low Prices

To send in your Rittenhouse unit for repair use the shipping address below.
If possible be sure to use the following Repair Service Order Form when sending in a unit for repair.
We offer special discounts to the military. We give fair estimates and offer extended warranty.

Shipping Address 145 Rockwell Place Ct
Tobaccoville, NC 27050

If you have any technical questions or wish to offer technical information about any Rittenhouse units then fill out the form below.

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Make Model Part Description
Rittenhouse 200 002-050  intercom 
Rittenhouse 200 002-05  intercom 
Rittenhouse RM  intercom 
Rittenhouse RM20/RM22  intercom-radio 
Rittenhouse RCM-4  intercom system 
Rittenhouse RCM-4  intercom system 
Rittenhouse M7050  intercom 
Rittenhouse M9034  intercom 
Rittenhouse M9035  intercom 
Rittenhouse RCM-4  intercom with radio 
Rittenhouse RC 577  intercom 
Rittenhouse M9031  intercom 
Rittenhouse RM20/RM22  intercom 
Rittenhouse RM20/Rm22  intercom with radio 
Rittenhouse RC 577  board 
Rittenhouse RCM-4  intercom with radio 
Rittenhouse M6002  intercom 
Rittenhouse Master Station  Radio 
Rittenhouse M9040  intercom with radio 
Rittenhouse RCM-4  intercom/Radio 
Rittenhouse RCM-4  intercom system 
Rittenhouse RCM-4  intercom 
Rittenhouse M9040  radio/intercom 
Rittenhouse M9046  intercom system 
Rittenhouse M9070  intercom system 
Rittenhouse RM5M  Radio 
Rittenhouse M7051  intercom/stereo 
Rittenhouse RM400  radio panel 
Rittenhouse RM 20/RM 22  radio/intercom system 
Rittenhouse M9046  intercom 
Rittenhouse M9046  intercom 
Rittenhouse M7900 amp  controll box 
Rittenhouse M7050  radio 
Rittenhouse M9028  radio unit 
Rittenhouse C8578-1  chime door bell 
Rittenhouse C8578-1  chime door bell 
Rittenhouse M9040  car stereo 
Rittenhouse M7010  intercom system 
Rittenhouse C8931R  chime receiver 
Rittenhouse F400WST  intercom system 
Rittenhouse C8578-1  chime door bell 
Rittenhouse M9046  radio unit 
Rittenhouse M 9022  central amplifier/home intercom 
Rittenhouse RCM-4  radio unit 
Rittenhouse RCM-4 1362  
Rittenhouse c8578  Door Chime 
Rittenhouse CM-1  intercom amplifier, door chime 
Rittenhouse RCM-4  Intercom/Radio Unit 
Rittenhouse Y6H  intercom 
Rittenhouse Y6H  intercom 
Rittenhouse M7012  intercom/radio 
Rittenhouse RM20/RM22  Radio 
Rittenhouse 2353205  door chime 
Rittenhouse M9042   Station Intercom with AM/Fm Radio 
Rittenhouse RM20/RM22  Station Intercom with AM/Fm Radio 
Rittenhouse 520  Door Chime 
Rittenhouse D-2  Timer 
Rittenhouse RM 20/RM 22  AM/FM Intercom Station 
Rittenhouse RCM-3  Intercom System 
Rittenhouse RCM-3  Intercom System 
Rittenhouse RCM-3  Intercom System 
Rittenhouse RCM-3  Intercom System 
Rittenhouse RCM-3  Intercom System 
Rittenhouse RCM-4  Intercom System 
Rittenhouse RCM-3  Intercom System 
Rittenhouse RCM-3  Intercom System 
Rittenhouse RCM-3  Intercom System 
Rittenhouse RCM-3  Intercom System 
Rittenhouse RCM-3  Intercom System 
Rittenhouse RM20/22  Intercom/Radio Master unit 
Rittenhouse C8931R  Chime receiver 
Rittenhouse RCM-4  Master Station/AM-FM Unit 
Rittenhouse c8847r  Doorbell circuit board 
Rittenhouse M9032  Door Sentry 
Rittenhouse C-85381  Chimes 
Rittenhouse 410  door chime 
Rittenhouse RC 577  door chime 
Rittenhouse   intercom 
Rittenhouse IR-5  intercom 
Rittenhouse R135 154  Intercom 
Rittenhouse IR-5  intercom 
Rittenhouse RCM 4  intercom master 
Rittenhouse   speaker 
Rittenhouse   speaker 
Rittenhouse IR-5  intercom station 
Rittenhouse   intercom station 
Rittenhouse   intercom station 
Rittenhouse IR-5  intercom station 
Rittenhouse RC535  door chime 
Rittenhouse RM5M  Intercom Master Station 
Rittenhouse C8846R  door chime 
RittenHouse M7000  Doorbell 
Rittenhouse M7050  Receiver 
Rittenhouse   clock 
Rittenhouse C8578-1  Door chime 
Rittenhouse Westminster  Clock and door chime 
Rittenhouse M9040  Intercom System / Radio 
Rittenhouse D-2  Chime Timer 
Rittenhouse Rittenhouse Door Chime  Door Chime 
Rittenhouse RCM-3  Intercom / Radio System 
Rittenhouse C8538R  Door Chime 
Rittenhouse RCM-3  Intercom System 
Rittenhouse C8577  Door Chime 
Rittenhouse M7002  Intercom / Radio Interface 
Rittenhouse 5/5 and 5/6  Door Chime 
Rittenhouse D-2  Timer 
Rittenhouse E780DC  Brass Push Button 
Rittenhouse 520  Door chime assembly 
Rittenhouse D-2  Timer/contactor assembly 
Rittenhouse Division C8578  door Chime 
Rittenhouse 031620150056  door chime 
Rittenhouse C8578-1 135-7351-01 door chime 
Rittenhouse Master Station RCM-3  Intercom System 
Rittenhouse 031620150056  door chime 
Rittenhouse C 8633  Chime 
Rittenhouse C8478  Door Chime 
Rittenhouse RCM-4  Intercom System 
Rittenhouse C 8633  Chime 
Rittenhouse D-2  Timer 
Rittenhouse C 8633  Chime 
Rittenhouse M7002  Intercom / Radio Interface 
Rittenhouse 410  Door Chime 
Rittenhouse M7910  Door Chime 
Rittenhouse 052420160070  Door Bell 
Rittenhouse 577  Door Chime 
Rittenhouse C8203  Door Bell 
Rittenhouse D-2  Timer 
Rittenhouse D-3  Timer 
Rittenhouse 575  Long Doorbell 
Rittenhouse RCM-4  Intercom Station 
Rittenhouse C8538-1  Door Chime 
Rittenhouse E780DC  Door Bell 
Rittenhouse Emerson M7051  Intercom 
Rittenhouse C8538-1  Door Chime 
Rittenhouse Emerson C8577  Door Chime 
Rittenhouse Vogue  Electric Door Chime 
Rittenhouse DS-2  Intercom 
Rittenhouse 520  Door Chime 
Rittenhouse C8577  Door Chime 
Rittenhouse 410  Door Chime 
Rittenhouse RC577  Door Chime 
Rittenhouse C8577  Door Chime 
Rittenhouse 520  Door Chime 
Rittenhouse M9040  Intercom / Radio Interface 
Rittenhouse 410  Door Chime 
Rittenhouse 633  Door Chime 
Rittenhouse 042420170049  Solenoid 
Rittenhouse Emerson C8550-1 135-7351-01 Door Chime 
Rittenhouse Emerson RC 633  Door Chime 
Rittenhouse C8204  Door Bell 
Rittenhouse 25533906  Alarm Module 
Rittenhouse Emerson C8578  Door Chime 
Rittenhouse Emerson C6833  Door Chime 
Rittenhouse Emerson C6833  Door Chime 
Rittenhouse Emerson C8578  Door Chime 
Rittenhouse Emerson C8847R  Door Chime 
Rittenhouse Emerson 631 and 632  Doorbell Chime 
Rittenhouse Emerson C8847R  Door Chime 
Rittenhouse Emerson C8535  Door Chime 
Rittenhouse Emerson M7051  Radio 
Rittenhouse Emerson M7051  Radio 
Rittenhouse M7900  Control Unit 
Rittenhouse Emerson C8578-1  Door Chime 
Rittenhouse Emerson C8933R  Chime Extender 
Rittenhouse RCM-4  Radio 
Rittenhouse Westminister  Door Chime 
Rittenhouse C8578  Door Chime 
Rittenhouse 550 or 551  Xylophone Style Door Bell Chime 
Rittenhouse RCM-4  Intercom Station 
Rittenhouse RM20  Radio Station 
Rittenhouse Door Station  Door Station 
Rittenhouse Door Station  Door Station 
Rittenhouse Door Station  Door Station 
Rittenhouse Door Station  Door Station 
Rittenhouse Door Station  Door Station 
Rittenhouse RCM4  Master Station Radio 
Rittenhouse Emerson M9042  Radio/Intercom 
Rittenhouse RCM-4  Intercom Station 
Rittenhouse 526  Door Chime 
Rittenhouse RCM-4  Master Station Radio 
Rittenhouse 616/617  Clock Chime 
Rittenhouse M9025 125-8122-01 Radio 
Rittenhouse C8578  Door Chime 
Rittenhouse RC 577  Door Chime 
Rittenhouse M9025 125-8122-01 Radio 
Rittenhouse RM-1  Controller 
Rittenhouse RM 20  Radio Station 
Rittenhouse C8847R  Door Chime 
Rittenhouse C8847R  Door Chime 
Rittenhouse C8633  Door Chime 
Rittenhouse M7900  Amp Controller 
Rittenhouse M7900  Chime 
Rittenhouse 550/501  Doorbell 
Rittenhouse 410  Door Chime 
Rittenhouse RCM-4  radio station 
Rittenhouse 410  Door Chime 
Rittenhouse C8577  Door Chime 
Rittenhouse RCM4  Transistor 

Industrial or Commercial Manufactures Repair List

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Disclaimer: This website is not sanctioned or approved by any manufacturer listed.
"Industrial Electronic Repair" is not an authorized distributor or representative
for the listed manufacturers or tradenames.

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